Friday, December 11, 2009

Update on Josh

I spoke with Carissa last night after she came home from another long day at the hospital with Josh. First of all I just have to say how inspired I am by her strength to endure all of this and her resolve to keep life as "normal" as she can for her children to protect them and nurture them. This is truly an amazing family and there is nothing they won't do for each other. This is why Josh is fighting hard too. Here is an update from Carissa on his condition;

"This is still a difficult time right now for our family. Josh is still in critical condition in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit. He has suffered severe internal injuries but he is a fighter and he is strong. Josh is intubated and on a ventilator which is doing the breathing for him. He broke his pelvis in two places, collapsed lung, broken rib, many contusions closed with staples. The train hit the drivers side of the truck which resulted in the left side of his body taking the impact.
He is scheduled for surgery on Monday to repair his pelvis. It is going to be an intense 6 hour surgery and the Doc. needs to make sure his body will be stable throughout. Please continue with your thoughts, love and prayers. Josh, myself and the kids all appreciate the outreach of support. Thank you."

So far I have gotten a lot of response with people who want to help out with meals for the family, which is amazing. Anyone who wants to drop off dinners please contact me at to make arrangements. A paypal link will be set up (hopefully) soon once I can sit down with Carissa so that those of you who have expressed interest in making a financial donation (thank you) can do so easily and safely.

Please let's all keep this amazing family in our hearts and in our minds this week and in the weeks to come. This is going to be a long and difficult journey and the more support this family gets from friends, family and even strangers, the more they can focus on what is important for them right now and that is loving each other.

Please tell anyone you know about this site and feel free to leave comments as often as you like. Hopefully as the weeks pass this will become a community for all of us and a place to all share our support and keep things moving smoothly for the Newton family.

Much love to you Josh, Carissa, Caydance, Cole and Cayne.

Thank You.

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