Friday, December 11, 2009

Hi everyone, this is Carissa. Thank you for your support and comments they mean so much to me and to my family. Right now we are just waiting for Josh's condition to improve and hoping that after Monday's surgery he will steadily begin to improve. It is our hope that the ventilator will be removed at some point next week.
Thank you to all the people that have been coordinating food, and offering support.
Much Love Carissa, Josh, Caydance, Cole and Cayne.


  1. Oh Josh! This picture just really makes it all so real. I have only known you the little bit from when I worked at Microcheck, but you are such a sweetheart. You are in my thoughts and prayers more than you know. You are a strong man and will make it through this - you have so many people pulling for you! We all love you. God Bless. ~Rachel

  2. Hi Carissa,
    I am the wife Justin Keenan...he's a driver at the center in Barre. I just wanted to send my condolences to you and your children for what Josh and your family has to endure!! I can't imagine what your going through right now. You're living the nightmare of every UPS drivers wife! If we can do ANYTHING at all please let us know!! We're praying and pulling for you guys!!!!
