Thursday, December 17, 2009

Update 12/17/09

Today had a bit of a rough start. Josh is still trying to focus and regain his senses. I think at this point he is frustrated and agitated while adjusting to his medications. I tried to explain to Josh yesterday where he was and why he was at the hospital, but he does not remember...I know he is fighting so darn hard.
I showed him a family picture and he knows Caydance and myself, but does not remember his boys names. This was especially hard on me and obviously Josh.
I know he has made tremendous progress in the past few days, but I can't help wanting everything back to "normal."
When Andy went in to see Josh this afternoon, Josh said that he needed a few weeks off because his back was hurting!!!!!
I want to take a moment and say Thank You to everyone that has been sending their best wishes, thoughts, prayers and love our way. Andy Tosh, Josh's Supervisor at UPS, Thank You for being so supportive and clearly caring about Josh and his family. Abbi Pajak, You are such a great and supportive Friend. Thank You for organizing the food and making sure that we eat and tying up loose ends for me!!!
And ESPECIALLY, Mom, Dad, Chad, Corey & Gabrielle-Josh, Myself & the Kids love you so much. Thank You for EVERYTHING! Without you, I do not think the kids and I would have made it through the past 10 days. I know it has been stressful and trying at times-but we all have each other and are after the same thing-we want our Josh back.
Thank You to all who have sent cards, we are very appreciative.
I do not have enough room to Thank everyone that has showed care and love so I will say,

Josh, Carissa, Caydance, Cole & Cayne


  1. Hang in there Carissa. A lot of it is the medication they have him on and like you said trying to adjust to it. He has come a long way in the past few days but there is a long way to go still. Do the doctors give you any idea of when they will be able to start weaning him from the morphene? that is still what they have him on isn't it? that is nasty stuff. its no wonder he is confused. All will be well. Dont lose focus! Be strong! You can do it! XO

  2. Be strong for him Carissa! The medication adjustment is very difficult for anyone but especially when the patient cannot communicate and let you know how it is making them feel. You are going to have good days and bad days. Josh has come so far in the past 10 days it is truly a miracle from above. Having him in an "induced coma" (I believe that is what he was in?) makes them forget the tramatizing parts of what happened to them. My husbands cousin was hit by a moose and was put into an induced coma for several weeks so she wouldnt remember any of the details and she doesnt and now that girl the Drs. said would probably not live much less walk is doing everything that a 23 year old should be except for driving - her reaction time is just a little slow. So I have seen first hand that something has horrible as what Josh has been through can be overcome and people will never know it happened. The knowing of names...that will come and go; he may know the boys names tomorrow and not Caydance's. It is one big world of questions and we will have answers as the Lord wants us too. So many people have grown to love this family that we don't even know and think so much about the well being of this man we call Josh. It is amazing what it takes to bring people together...I do feel fortunate to have at least met him prior to this accident while working his tail off as a man in brown!! But I do love your family and pray for you many times a day. Keep your chin up girl and a smile on your face!

  3. Hang in there Carissa! Our son, then 29, was in intensive care for 16 days under morphine and we saw all kinds of reactions, He had severe pnemonia, and they told us to call in Family they thought he would not make it, but the morphine laid him low to fight it! And it worked but scared us at times!
    I wish you strengh and Josh the will to hang in there and, to ALL the family our best!!
    Better days are coming!
    Your friend Linda

  4. This is to my daughter Carissa, Thank you for your STRENGTH, Thank you for the WIFE that you are, Thank you for the MOTHER that you are, Thank you for the DAUGHTER that you are and Thank you for the PERSON that you are. This test in your life proves to the world and to the people that don't know you that you have the heart and soul of an angel, and your grammie knows it and sent it to you!!!!!
