Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wow....its been forever!

Holy cow! Did not realize that it has been nearly 1 year since I have updated the blog...How time flies!
As we are fast approaching Josh's 1 year anniversary since his accident, I look back at the remainder of 2009 and the first half of 2010 and it is such a blur!
Since Josh's discharge on January 27, 2010 we have kept fairly busy! I remember the day he came home like it was yesterday! I did not sleep a wink the night previous due to excitement! I was like a child on Christmas Eve! I thought I would just walk into Rehab and pack him up, throw him in the car and see ya later...did not happen as expected! It ended up being an all day event and after 4 trips back and forth, we were home around 7pm! Visiting Nurses Association became our very good friends too! We had VNA at the house every other day administering IV medication and changing out his open wound bandage. We had to wake up at 11pm, 2am and 5am to give his medication by was exhausting to say the least! After 2 weeks of being at home Josh started outpatient therapy. He coasted right along! We had appointment after appointment with each doctor that had seen Josh during his stay between Fletcher Allen and Rehab. He has gone through many classes, was reissued his license to drive and impresses the doctors and nurses! His battle wounds are pretty cool too!

Josh has done amazing and beat the odds and surpassed all his doctors expectations. As you all know, he did sustain Traumatic Brain Injury from his accident and we are currently working with his Rehab doctor. Everything is at Josh's pace at this point. To answer the constant question, "When is Josh going back to work?" We do not know at this point. As one of the doctors told me-Let me remind you that Josh was hit by a train...When the doctors and Josh feel that he is ready to handle the stress and mental and physical requirements, they will let us know. Until then, we just enjoy every single moment we have together. It can all be taken away in an instant and I know first hand...

The kids and I are doing great! Life has resumed to normal and we all talk about the accident openly. It was a hard time for the kids especially because Josh is such a wonderful father. I think they lost a part of themselves while he was gone. My eyes still well up when I think about the situation. Especially the phone conversation with the lady at UPS telling me that it was Josh and he is in and out of consciousness and barely breathing. That memory will never go away...Or Josh coming out of surgery in the recovery room asking me why I shoved him in a Christmas ornament!!!

Nearly one year later I am over the moon to be able to have Josh with us again. It was a trying time and nothing short of a miracle. I am so proud of how far Josh has come and his determination to gain his life back. We still have a few bumps in the road that need to be repaired but we are working on that...
I am anxious and excited for the holidays this year! We have so much making up for! I plan on starting our Christmas card picture soon so expect it in the mail!
A huge and heartfelt Thank You to all of those that stood behind us through this. Without your love and support, I would not have got this far. All the meals delivered to the house, monetary donations, our benefit dinner & dance, gifts and cards or a hug meant the world to all of us. I can never say enough Thank You's. Our family received cards from all over the U.S. It was so touching to see how people can come together in a time of need.
All you need is love, sweet love!
You all have our love!
Josh, Carissa, Caydance, Cole and Cayne
*I can now have coffee again!! I really recommend every coffee drinker know how to make coffee...