Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25, 2010

I am sooooooo excited to let everyone know that Josh has a discharge date of Wednesday January 27, 2010! This is such great news for our family! This is the day we have been waiting for nearly two months and it is finally here. There was a point in the beginning that was questioning if Josh would ever come home, and he is!
He is doing amazing at Rehabilitation and exceeding the doctors expectations. His strength and will to get through this accident really says a lot about what kind of man Josh is. I am so proud of him.
Josh will go to out-patient therapy and we will have a nurse come to the house that will change his wound VAC dressings and administer his IV antibiotics and fluids. His pelvis incision is still open with clear plastic covering and sponges to cover the wound which attaches to the vacuum and drains fluid. I get to play nurse too by giving Josh his blood thinning shots daily! I will admit that I am nervous, though I did not tell him that! He is so motivated to recover from this accident and be the wonderful father and husband that he was before.
As you can imagine, the kids are over the top to have Daddy back home. Caydance started tearing up tonight when I told her only two more sleeps until Daddy will be home and she said- "They are tears of joy Mommy!" This has been a long road for Caydance and Cole. After 51 long and hard days, having him back home is all they have wanted and waited for.
Josh still has a long road ahead of him with his leg and pelvis. He will not have use of his left leg for a minimum of four months. This is especially going to be hard on him not being able to move around and play with the kids like he used to .
We spoke with the nurse the other day and she was informing Josh and I that things may come up where he feels uneasy and nervous and that may be because something is triggering memories of the accident and it is normal. Josh is obviously going to have lasting effects from the accident.
I will forever be changed from December 8, 2009. After going through such a traumatic accident and almost losing my other half, I have a whole new outlook on life. I feel like my heart can continue to beat and I can breathe again. I never knew you could love someone as much as I love Josh, I can't explain it. It is amazing how the things that we take for granted takes almost losing them to make you appreciate what you have and be thankful every single day. I am thankful.


  1. Carissa, thank you for reminding us about the power of love.

  2. THAT is such awesome news Carissa!!!!! SO happy for all of you!!!!!

  3. I'm so happy to hear this news. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  4. Way to go Josh !!!!!!!
    I am Happy for you ALL!!
    You are so strong Carrisa!!
    The kids will feel like christmas and their birthdays all in 1 I am sure!
    This is great news but continue to keep us up on news ok?
    As always your frinds
    the Fordham's

  5. Josh is a very strong man! Prayers are with your family and Josh. Keep positive attitudes and the road to recovery just got a little shorter. God Bless

  6. Carissa, I am so excited to finally read those words - Josh is coming home. I am sure Josh is more than thrilled to be coming home - which should have been today as it is the 27th today. As you said there will be challanges but you two will get thru them just as you have gotten thru everything else. I am so glad that he is finally able to leave the hospital and come home to where he feels more at peace. Keep us informed on how he is doing. I have not forgot about the newpaper articles but life on my end has just not been a walk in the park...but they are on my list. You take care of yourself too, you need rest and TLC as well. Love to you all, Rachel
    PS I will still keep your family in my prayers.
