Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 10, 2010

The blog today is to let everyone know that you are invited to send your Birthday wishes to Josh. We would like to make this a very special and important day for Josh as he is. We will be celebrating with some cake and ice cream, for those of you interested you can call me and I will gladly let you know the details. The numbers for info are 434-2626, 434-4043, 922-4266.
As he continues with his surgeries we would like to take this day and try to make some Happy moments for him to remember, and maybe try to forget about his situation even if just for a minute.
Thanks to all, and I will update on Josh's condition tomorrow.

Love, Carissa


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Josh!! hope you have a good day with your family and friends. Turo family

  2. Happy Birthday, Josh!
    My daughter, Sarah, remembers how kind you were to give her rides with Caydance at the park in the cart you pulled with your bike. Hope you are feeling better and have a great day!
    --Cecilia & Sarah

  3. Happy Birthday, Josh!
    We can not wait until we see you at the park this summer.Hope your feeling better and we will see you soon.

    Howard, Kim, Emma ,Amber & Lydia

  4. Have a Happy Birthday Josh, You're day will be a Good One, God will see to that.

  5. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Josh, Happy Birthday to you!! Keep on keepin' on! We're all routing for ya!! Love, The Keenan's!!

  6. I hope that Josh was able to enjoy his birthday, and that every day brings continued recovery. we think about you often, and you are in our prayers...keep writing in the blog carissa, it is my lifeline to your situation, and i check daily for updates....take care adn god bless...

  7. HI TO
    All the Newtons!!! I was thrilled to be able to wish Josh a Happy B'day on Sunday when I called !! He said it was good to hear my voice & I just about lost it... To hear HIS voice was a blessing , he's with us and we can all thank a higher power for that!!!! Keep up your spirits, we are all pulling for you
