Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18, 2010

I have not updated the blog recently because no real changes have happened. Josh is still fighting his infection and his last surgery was Thursday evening. Currently, the Doctors are waiting for blood results and cultures before they will be confident that his infection is healing. At this point we do not know if Josh will have any more surgeries. He will go back in for an MRI and CT Scan this week . We are praying that everything is going to look "normal" and he can continue on with his recovery and rehabilitation. This is precautionary to see if they are missing anything when they take him into the operating room. Josh is slowly regaining his memory and improving daily. He definitely misses being home with his family.
Caydance and Cole ask me multiple times a day when Daddy is going to be home. My heart aches not only for Josh but for our children. Every now and again, I have to remember that this is real. I feel like my heart stops when I think about the accident. Josh and I have made a great life for our family and it can just be taken away in an instant. I know that we will move forward from this and go back to our lives but when? One of the hardest parts of this is not knowing. I wish that the Doctors could write it down and give me a time line. Unfortunately, that is not reality. I cannot help but wonder why something like this would happen to Josh, he is such a wonderful man. His children are the most important part of his life, he wants nothing but to make them happy. Josh lives for Caydance, Cole and Cayne. My hope is that Josh will be the same man he was before 4pm on December 8, 2009.
After seven surgeries, Josh is still keeping his head held high. He holds a high standard for himself and pushes every single day. Just recently he has been using a walker to take a few steps in the hallway. The Doctors have told him that he may not put his left foot down on the floor. Caydance pushed her Daddy all around the halls this weekend in his wheelchair while Cole chased them and they enjoyed every second of it! He holds Cayne and lifts him up and down to strengthen his arms! Josh was able to go outside on Saturday in his chair to breathe in fresh air. Words cannot describe how I felt to see him outside even though it was just for a moment!
The kids and I are anxiously awaiting the day that we can take Daddy home with us. I tried to get him to leave the other day!! Can you get in trouble for taking a patient that is not discharged? (JUST KIDDING) One of Josh's nurses gave Caydance a "Nurse Kit." She told me that it is to take care of Daddy when he gets home! Josh is Caydance's right arm, she is so close to him and I know how badly she misses Josh. We are missing the most important part of our family-we need you back Josh.
Thank You to everyone that has been providing meals. It is still so much appreciated. I told Josh how much everyone has been helping out and he said-"How am I going to Thank all these people for what they have been doing?" Thank You to All that have helped our family. Your continued support is greatly needed and appreciated.

Josh, Carissa, Caydance, Cole & Cayne


  1. The only thanks we need is to see him back home with his family!! Take it day by day and make sure to take care of yourself too, Carissa!! Glad to hear that he is improving daily!!! You are continuously in our thoughts and prayers!!!

  2. Keep your head high and thoughts positive. Keep your faith in GOD and he will take care of Josh and your family. I think about Josh everyday and it is such a miracle to think of the progress that I read about when I think about seeing him face down on the steering wheel on that December day. Everytime I see a UPS truck now, I see Josh. But, I feel much better now compared to the 2 hour drive home that day. Thoughts kept going through my head about what I could/should of done differently while I was on scene with Josh. My prayers are still with you and Josh everyday. Get Well Soon. God Bless

